Root Cause Analysis (RCA):

Line managers or the responsible persons generally use to provide a normal view towards a problem and most of the time tries to provide a quick solution. This is happened due the external or surrounding pressure to solve the problems. In this situation, the problems can be solved for that certain period of time. But there is a major chance for repeating the problem and sometimes the problem gets repeated. Root cause analysis is the systematic approach to hit on the root level of the cause against the problem and finally the root cause gets corrected or eliminated.

History of root cause analysis:

The RCA technique was firstly developed by Mr. Sakichi Toyoda. Afterwards, the technique was implemented in Toyota Production System. Mr. Taiichi Ohno (architect of TPS) took the initiative to describe that the nature of the problem and solution becomes clear while after repeating “why” for 05 times.

There are some questions which can be used for validating root causes while analysis and they are…

  • What is the proof on hand?
    Figure: My Little Picchi Pic
  • Is the proof being strongly stable?
  • Do the proofs can lead the effect?
  • Does the cause really mean the problem?
  • Are there any alternative means which will fit better?
  • Are there any other risks?

What is a problem

Generally, a problem is a situation or question or thing which normally causes the difficulties or stress or doubt. On the other hand, if we think for a mathematics then the problem is an equation or statement which needs a solution.

Line managers or the responsible persons generally use to provide a normal view towards a problem and most of the time tries to provide a quick solution. This is happened due the external or surrounding pressure to solve the problems. In this situation, the problems can be solved for that certain period of time. But there is a major chance for repeating the problem and sometimes the problem gets repeated. Root cause analysis is the systematic approach to hit on the root level of the cause against the problem and finally the root cause gets corrected or eliminated.

Let Us Do a Change:                                                                                                                                                                                                                      If we are willing to change the issue, then we must need to sit all together to find out the root cause.